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We are called to fast. The utmost reasons are taken from Isaiah.  



"Rather, is not this the fast I require:

to loose the fetters of injustice, to untie the knots of the yoke, and set free those who are oppressed, tearing off every yoke? Is it not sharing your food with the hungry, taking the homeless poor into your house, clothing the naked when you meet them, and never evading duty to your kinsfolk?"   Isaiah 58:6-7


When God requires something from us, God is asking us or claiming it by right and authority! God is commanding us because it is essential to God's purposes for us, and not only our lives, but the entire kindom. And what is the result when we obey God's requirements?


"Then light will break forth like the dawn, the new skin will speedily grown over your wound; your righteousness will be your vanguard and the glordy of the Lord your rearguard. Then, when you call, the Lord will answer; when you cry out to God, God will say, 'Here I am.'"        Isaiah 58:8-9a


For it appears that God requires our righteousness and obedience to do that which God promises. "I have seen humanity's conduct, yet I shall heal her and give her relief; I shall bring her comfort in full measure, and on the lips fo those who mourn her, I shall create words of praise." Isaiah 57:18   For it is through our righteousness in fasting that brings God's healing to our bodies and our lips. And in this process of our own healing, we take part in God's redemptive healing of the world. Through obedience, the oppressed, the sick, the naked, the hungry, the poor, the homeless are freed and justified.


"If you cease to pervert justice, to point the accusing finger and lay false charges, if you give your own food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the wretched, then light will rise for you out of darkness and dusk will be for you like noonday; the Lord will be your guide continually and will satisfy your needs in the bare desert; God will give you strength of limb; you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Buildings long in ruins will be restored by your own kindred and you will build up ancient foundations; you will be called the rebuilder of broken walls, the restorer of houses in ruin." Isaiah 58: 9b-12


"This is the fast I require" (paraphrase). Isaiah 58:6. We are required to fast. We are directed and commanded in Isaiah on how to fast and what we shall do when fasting. And what the results will be! It's that simple. God is using us to lay the foundations for generations to come. By our simple acts of obedience, the temple that is God's kindom, as well as our own bodies, are being restored! 




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