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Having solemnly commended our souls and our cause to God, we may venture upon his service. All dangers are trifling compared with the danger of losing our souls. But the trembling sinner is often as much afraid of casting himself, without reserve, upon the Lord's free mercy, as Esther was of coming before the king. Let him venture, as she did, with earnest prayer and supplication, and he shall fare as well and better than she did. The cause of God must prevail: we are safe in being united to it.  


                                                                                                                      - Matthew Henry 





Any successful fast revolves around your ability to set oneself up to overcome obstacles and challenges. Just like anything in life, it helps to have a support system and a plan. 


Part of eating is habit. The slightest inkling of hunger and we satiate 

it. Here in the United States, one cannot even go to Home Depot,

Office Max, or Auto Zone without seeing a myriad of sodas, candy

bars and snacks at the check out line. Unfortunately, our society is 

morbidly obese and the majority of Americans do not know the 

difference between thirst and hunger. In the land of plenty, we have 

lost the connection between our own body telling us what it needs 

and the demand for instant gratification, even if it is killing us.


"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  Romans 12:2   NRSV


It is through the "renewing of [our] minds" that we can begin to truly discern what is going on with our body. This miraculous and awe-inspiring being that we are. We must begin to differentiate between real temptation and simply our own rationale. What exactly is my mind, or the enemy, saying? Is it telling us to stay hydrated and skip that 3rd cup of coffee? Is it whispering to derail our commitment(s)? It is like any other temptation in the world, it is persistent until we begin to take control, and be accountable for our own health, our prayer life, and our relationships. 


How to keep a leash on tempations:


1.  Always carry a 32 oz jug or bottle of water with you where ever you go. As stated above, thirst is misunderstood as hunger. Drink 16 oz and the "hunger" subsides. Also, the body when beginning to detox will need more water to flush out what our cells have been clinging onto. It's a win-win to drink up.


2.  Avoid watching television, especially around dinner time. Do not torture yourself with pizza and fast food commercials. Advertizers are exceptionally good at what they do.


3.  If you absolutely are craving something salty, drink a cup of hot tea with a few grains of Himalayian sea salt. It is amazing how our bodies need salt to keep the homeostatis of our cells in balance. Lick a little bit or put a small amount in your tea. This is fabulous for caffeine withdrawal headaches as well. Make sure it is pink, Himalayian sea salt though and definitely not iodized table salt.


4.  If you crave something sweet, do the same but with honey in your non-caffeinated tea. Absolutely no synthetic sweeteners. I do recommend organic, candied ginger. A few pieces will help with the oral fixation some get and will satisfy that sweet craving, as well as help settle uneasiness in the stomach. 


























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