Detoxification: Noun
1. Biochemistry. The metabolic process by which toxins are changed intoless toxic or more readily excretable substances.
2. The act of detoxifying.
3. The state of being detoxified.
4. A period of medical treatment, usually including counseling, duringwhich a person is helped to overcome physical and psychological dependence on alcohol or drugs.
The ways and reasons in which a person chooses to detoxify or cleanse the body and mind are multifarious. Growing up my mother, Carol, always said, "the longest journey one could ever take was from the head to the heart, and it's only 18 inches." Fasting is a way for one to connect the mind and the heart.
"I am a different man; I am reborn. You were right and I was wrong, because then, my whole standpoint was intellectual. Through this purification, [40 days of fasting] my center of being has changed. From the intellect it has come down to the heart. Now I can feel things. Before this training I could only understand through the intellect, through the head. Now I can feel. Now truth is not a concept to me, but life. It is not going to be a philosophy, but rather, an experience – existential.” - Pythagoras
"Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness." - Hippocrates
"Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day."
- Plutarch