Creamy (and Vegan) Potato Salad
2 lbs of organic, mixed fingerling potatoes
1/3 cup quality, organic olive oil (first and cold pressed)
1 tsp org tumeric powder
4 large, org cloves garlic
3 tbsp Bragg's apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tbsp Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp Herbamare sea salt (to taste)
1 medium size org shallot
2 ribs diced org celery
1/4 cup org curly parsley
2 tbsp diced, org capers
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp coconut sugar (or honey)
Take fingerling potatoes, put in bowl and cover with water. Add white vinegar and let soak for 15 minutes. This will clean the potatoes, but also will be a quick brine. Rinse and then cut potatoes into bite size pieces. Bring water to a boil and add in 1/2 of the ACV and the Him sea salt to the water and add potatoes. Cook for 15 - 18 minutes, depending on the variety of potato and size.
For sauce:
In a mini Cuisinart, blend half of olive oil with, garlic, turmeric, 1/2 of Herb salt, sugar, pepper, nutritional yeast, touch of ACV and mustard. I prefer to do my garlic and oil first to get the garlic totally pureed. Add all but a few tsp of olive and blend again.
On the side:
Chop shallots, capers, celery and parley and put to the side.
Before draining save 1/4 cup of boiling liquid. Drain and put in bowl. Immediately coat with the remaining touch of olive oil and Herb salt and the remaining ACV. This will infuse into the potatoes while they are still steaming. After a few minutes, fold in the chopped veggies, with the exception of the parsley. This will take the crunch off the celery, as the goal here is creamy with a slight tenderness. After a minute or two, fold in 1/2 of the sauce. This should coat nicely. It will absorb, but not be dry. After another minute, add in the rest of the sauce and the parsley. Taste and add a touch of salt if needed. Enjoy!
Remember, one can get creamy without mayo. Reserve the liquid for the next day if it needs a little moisture. A few tbsp should do the trick without compromising taste. And without fail, the next day, all potato salad needs a touch of salt.
The garlic, shallots, turmeric, ACV and parsley are excellent for your immune system and alkalizing the body. And never let anyone tell you that potatoes are bad for you. A potato salad that leaves you feeling and looking great.

Quick (Vegan) Broccoli Salad with Garlic Cashew Dressing
1 Full head of oganic broccoli (diced & including peeled stalk)
1 pint of organic grape tomatoes (quartered)
1/4 cup organic curly parsley (finely chopped)
Salt the veggies a touch to draw the water out of the tomatoes.
I cup organic cashews
2 tbsp lemon juice
Water reserved from soaking cashews
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup nutritional yeast (optional)
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
2 tbsp finely chopped organic cilantro leaves
3 cloves organic garlic
1/2 tsp garlic powder
For the dressing, soak cashews for at least an hour in water with a few dashes of sea salt. The water needs to cover the nuts. A full day soak would be better, but an hour will do. Puree the nuts and the garlic with some of the water in a Cuisinart (I use a mini). Continually add the water until you get a creamy consistency (similiar to a roumalade). Then add the spices. Sometimes you need more lemon, sometimes more salt. Add a little and taste. Repeat until you get it right. When you get the taste you prefer, add the chopped cilantro leaves and pulse.
Then fold into the chopped veggies a little at a time. You may have some dressing left over. This can be used the next day if it needs some extra. This dressing will keep up to a week and is great on romaine for a vegan caesar, or spread on pita bread, or lots of other ways!

Delicious Romanesco Cauliflower Salad
This is one for the record books. Not only is Romanesco Cauliflower the most gorgeous flower in the world, it also is edible. It reminds me of the complexity of God's creation!
1 head of organic Romanesco cauliflower
1 pint of organic grape tomatoes (halved)
1/3 of large, organic red onion (finely diced)
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 full head of organic garlic (diced)
1/2 cup quality first-pressed, olive oil
Juice of 1 organic lemon (medium sized)
Juice of 1/3 of organic orange
1 tsp (or more to taste) Himalayian sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp local honey
1 tbsp Bragg's ACV
Cut the Romanesco cauliflower so that it accentuates the spirals and keeps them intact. Cut the stems as well in small pieces. Put into a bowl with the rest of the salad ingredients. I prefer to lightly salt the tomatoes to get them to soften a bit. Set aside.
For the dressing, put all the ingredients, except the ACV and the honey, in a mini cuisanart. This recipe is very garlicky and that is the way I prefer it. I usually make a bit extra to keep in the fridge for a french bread topping or to saute some shrimp in for a quick meal. Pulse until the garlic is pureed. Then add the honey and ACV. This is to taste. Remember that the salad will soak it up.
Then toss together and enjoy!

Crispy, lemon and herb fingerling potatoes
Sometimes I simply want potatoes for dinner! My garden is teeming with herbs right now and y'all know how much a fan I am of lemons. So...I paired the two together. Not tangy, but you get a hit of lemon on the inside of the potato. These are baked, so they do not have a lot of fat, but you still get the crunch. I want to give a shout out to www.rockrecipes.com for the idea of using lemon!
Bag of organic fingerling potatoes. (You may also use Russett potatoes)
1/3 cup olive oil
4 cloves of garlic
Fresh ground pepper
Herbs of your choice - I used English thyme, chives and dill
Juice of one lemon
1. Get a pot of boiling water on the stove with enough water to cover all the potatoes. Add a few pinches of sea salt. Remember to be generous. Heat your oven on to 375 degrees and put the pan in to heat it. This will get a good crisp on the potatoes and also keep them from sticking. This is a very important step! Do not skip it.
2. Then, wash and cut up your potatoes. (See picture) Not too small as you want to get a good crisp on them later.
3. Boil the potatoes for about 6 minutes. You don't want to cook them all the way, so only a few minutes. Then drain and place on hand towel for a few minutes to absorb the excess water.
4. Juice the lemon into a cup or bowl. Put the potatoes into a bowl and pour over the lemon juice. Use a spatula to fold the potatoes to absorb the lemon flavor. This will make the potatoes have depth, but not too tart or overpowering.
5. I rough chopped the thyme and garlic and then put in a mini Cuisenart with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Then pour over the potatoes and fold to absorb the coating. Because I was using fresh herbs, I waited to put the chives and dill on until after they roasted. If you have dry herbs, go ahead and put all of them in before.
6. Take your hot pan out of the oven and pour on the potatoes. Use a metal spatula to turn them over every 20-25 minutes or so. Bake for 60-75 minutes depending on your oven, and the amount and the size of your potatoes.
7. Sprinkle on the fresh herbs and enjoy!!!!