Ever wonder what to do with all those lemon peels?
Every morning I drink lemon water. I squeeze one whole lemon in warm water and drink it when I first get up. Before my coffee, or tea, or smoothie. So, everyday I have a lemon peel and usually I put it down the garbage disposal to make my kitchen smell clean, because there are only so many I can use otherwise. Each day, I look for new uses for them because grating the peel or using it on my face can only go so far. And as you know, citrus can not go in the compost.
So here is a new one that I read about. I live in New Braunfels, TX and we have extremely hard water here. And within days the shower faucet has hard water stains on it. Guess what gets them off in a matter of seconds with no scrubbing and without having to use a sponge or scrubbie? You guessed it....lemons!
Here is a picture of the before and after:

This is how I used it. Simply rub the lemon on and they come right off.

And viola!!!! Plus they make the bathroom smell fantastic!