Chocolatey, Minty, Goodness Coffee Shake!
This will rival any chocolate shake or coffee shop frappacino you have ever tasted. And healthy for you without all the secret, "I do not...

Delicious Romanesco Cauliflower Salad
This is one for the record books. Not only is Romanesco Cauliflower the most gorgeous flower in the world, it also is edible. It reminds...

Healing Smoothie!
After my workout this morning, it will be debatable if I can walk normally tomorrow. I was in squat and dead lift hell and my dream of...

Quick (Vegan) Broccoli Salad with Garlic Cashew Dressing
Salad: 1 Full head of oganic broccoli (diced & including peeled stalk) 1 pint of organic grape tomatoes (quartered) 1/4 cup organic curly...

Creamy (and Vegan) Potato Salad!
I would eat more BBQ if the sides were like this. My friend Guli says to always stay away from the potato salad at potlucks! Well this...

Relieving the Pressure Smoothie
Today I woke up with some pressure behind my eyes. For me this usually means I am a bit dehydrated and am lacking some magnesium. So for...